Vanilla Bean Iced Coffee

Coffee. The alarm clock buzzes each and every morning at an ungodly hour; you slowly wake up, check your emails, update your Facebook status, scroll through comments and likes on instagram. Slowly the realization that you need to get out of the warm cocoon of blankets creeps up on you, thoughts of a freshly brewed vanilla bean coffee convince you to place your feet on the floor, and you slowly head to the kitchen. One, two, three scoops of beans are placed into the grinder; the blades whir and the distinct aroma of freshly ground beans assault your senses.

The coffee plant has a long and rich history. It was first discovered in Ethiopia in the 11th century. The first coffee drink was discovered by accident when it was claimed that plucking the leaves of the plant and boiling them in water would create a drink that was said to have medicinal powers. By the late 14th to early 15th century, citizens of Istanbul and Yemen had begun to utilize the green bean. Roasting the bean in pans over open fire then grinding down the beans and adding water created what is essentially modern day coffee. Coffee houses began to open throughout the city and the general public quickly became enamored with the drink. Coffee houses became a mecca for writers, poets, and the creative minded.

Vanilla beans in many ways are as familiar in smell and taste as the coffee bean. Vanilla bean varietals each have their own distinct aroma, size, flavor, and appearance. Much like coffee beans, each variety will bring out the subtle but unique differences of the coffee you choose. To create a very flavorful infused coffee, I choose a dark roast coffee and an equally rich and flavorful vanilla bean.

Vanilla Bean Iced Coffee

We all need a little pick-me-up once in a while, and this delicious vanilla-infused ice coffee recipe is a refreshing way to get a cup of Joe even when the temperatures soar.
5 from 1 vote
Course Drinks
Servings 4 cups


  • French press


  • 60-70 grams coarse ground dark roast coffee (about 2-2.5 oz)
  • 8 cups filtered water
  • 2 vanilla beans, split


  • Place the coffee grounds into the bottom of a French press. Place the water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil, using a food thermometer bring the water to 210 degrees.
  • Slowly pour the boiling 210-degree water over the coffee grounds. Let the French press sit for 4 minutes on the counter.
  • Slowly push the French press plunger down towards the bottom of the press. Let it sit for a moment while the coffee settles.
  • Pour into a heat safe carafe and place the vanilla beans into the coffee, submerging them completely. Place the container (covered) into the fridge and refrigerate overnight.
  • Serve over ice, with cream and/or sugar if desired.